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With Emphasis on Safety, Playgrounds Aren\'t for All

by:COSCO     2019-08-18
23, 2005 like many other young parents in East Rockaway, Micki Licciardi is very excited to see the playground near her being renovated and she is looking forward to taking her three daughters
But when the project was completed in last May, only Mara, her 5-year-
I\'m glad to go, madam. Licciardi said.
Alison and Rachel, 9 and 10, announced \"no more fun,\" their mother said. A free-
Vertical spiral slides and metal climbing racks are replaced by smaller straight slides built into a modular structure.
Although the equipment is bright and colorful, it is smaller and less challenging than before. Licciardi said.
\"It looks great to me because the new big plastic sheet looks much safer than the old metal sheet, but I understand what my older daughter is talking about,\" she said . \".
\"It\'s too easy now.
Long Island\'s outdoor public playground used to be a place for children of all ages to swing, climb mountains, slide and hang.
Today, they mainly attract children under the age of 9, which is part of the design.
\"When we recently renovated our three town playgrounds, we developed a plan to scale them down and challenge attracting the younger population,\" said Anthony T . \".
Brunetta, director of park and entertainment at Rockville Center.
\"We are as worried about litigation as everyone else, and our idea is to eliminate devices that are more risky.
\"Not only are new devices smaller, but they are often different from before.
Seesaws, Monkey Bar and merry-go-
Used to be a staple food on the playground.
There are horizontal ladders in their positions, closed pipe slides, and cars and animals on springs that teenagers can bounce.
For example, in the Allenwood Park with a large neck, the ground dome that has attracted children to climb the hillside for decades has been demolished in a $125,000 playground renovation, replaced by a lower modular structure with built-in
In the climbing deviceAn 8-foot-
Now, the high spiral slide stands at 17-foot-
High spiral slide in town fire park.
\"In this order, our goal is to provide a playground that disabled people can use, to be safe, and to provide challenges and excitement for children,\" said Neil Marin . \", Director of Big Neck Park
\"But the truth is, it\'s hard to do all three.
We have to meet the safety requirements, otherwise we will take great responsibility, which makes it difficult for us to get enough challenges for children over the age of 8 to have fun.
\"Francis varach, in collaboration with the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission, led the US Commission on Testing and Materials, which sets national standards for playground safety, which he says is a trade --
The municipalities realized that they had to do it.
\"When I was a child, I fell off the swing and broke my arm, but my mother never thought of suing,\" she said . \".
\"Today, in order to protect the youngest child, you have to take some challenges from the oldest child.
\"Since the national playground safety standards were established in the early 1990s S, park and entertainment administrators in Nassau and Suffolk towns and villages have faced similar problems.
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\"These evolving standards are the first to outline playground equipment and ground safety, and they continue to revolutionize design standards and how they are applied,\" said Peggy Payne, \"A Certified Playground inspector based in Hawthorne, NY. Y.
And the downgrade that followed. -
The playground has changed over the past decade and still does so today.
\"Advertising while requiring all states to comply with the playground accessibility rules outlined in the federal US Disabled Persons Act, there is no federal law governing the safety of playground equipment.
There is no such legislation in New York state, and although there is one in New Jersey and constate, municipalities in New York must follow federal standards to obtain adequate liability insurance.
\"If they do not comply, they will file an allegation of negligence against the owners and trustees,\" said Donna Thompson, director of the National Playground Safety Program, a non-profit organization that handles playground safety information.
\"Simply put, you don\'t get insurance if you don\'t meet the standard.
\"In recent renovations, such as the Sprofera Park in Neconset, the Central Park in Sea Cliff, and the Tappan beach in Glenwood Landing, it is not just equipment renovation;
New surface materials have also been installed.
\"In the past, sand was most commonly used as a buffer around swings and slides, and at the same time as a traditional game medium,\" Mr. Marrin said.
\"The sand is elastic, safe and cheap, but you can\'t roll the wheelchair over so it has to go.
Today you will mainly see artificial wood fibers or recycled rubber.
\"But the cost is higher ---
The price of white sand is usually $20 per cubic foot, while the same amount of artificial wood fiber is about $30. -
It may be necessary to reduce the larger, more expensive equipment that is attractive to older children.
\"The volatility is much lower than before,\" she said . \"
Playground inspector Penn.
\"Each side of the swing device requires sufficient surface treatment to cover twice the height of the swing frame, so the horizontal bar connecting the swing cable has been reduced from 12 feet to 8.
\"If older young people don\'t like things on the playground, where will they go to play? Mr.
Brunetta, director of park at Rockville Center, said that in his village, like many other villages on the island, older children were directed to organized sports. But Ms.
Wallach of the American Association for Testing and Materials says she thinks the alternatives are not ideal.
\"They are indoors, it\'s not very healthy, or playing in the street, it\'s not very safe,\" she said . \".
\"Or they come to the playground and play on the young children\'s equipment in a way that should not be played on the playground.
We know they will find a way.
It just doesn\'t show up here in an acceptable way.
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A version of this article was printed on page LI14 of the National edition on October 23, 2005, with the title: emphasizing safety, the playground is not for everyone.
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